At the “D & AD Design Awards 2021”, the international design advertising award with the strictest screening and reputation in the world, the brand design of “Seki Farm” won the “Graphite Pencil (Silver Award)” in the Packaging Design / Rebrand category.
Renewal of rice package that won the gold medal in the taste of the competition for the sixth consecutive year. There is also demand for gifts, and the brand value of the farm as the highest quality rice in Japan has been increased, and the design has been redesigned so that the buyers and recipients will feel uplifted. The simple, powerful and elegant design expresses the dignity of being the best rice in Japan and the strength of winning a gold medal.
The rice is grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and the cultivation method is very particular, and it has won many gold medals. However, in the past, the rice was not packaged in a way that conveyed its character. The renewal of the rice was aimed at increasing the brand value of the rice as the most expensive rice in Japan, as it is also in demand as a souvenir and gift.
We designed to evoke the image of the most delicious rice in Japan. Before it relied on the brand of "Uonuma" as a place of delicious rice, but we made the farm's personality the brand power. The design is simple, and powerful expressing the dignity of a rice champion. The circle, which looks like a gold medal, also reflects the commitment of the producer, a former professional snowboarder.
Rice bags are made of paper. In the past, the material was too thick and strong, so we switched to thin and strong kraft paper, considering the environmental impact.
This rice is grown in the "Shiozawa area of Minamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. This area has a strong brand as a place where particularly delicious rice is grown in Japan. The circle in the package is also read as "en" in Japanese, meaning a connection with people or a place where people and animals gather.
世界で最も厳しい審査と定評のある国際的なデザイン広告賞「D&AD Awards」にて、「関農園」のブランドデザインがPackaging Design/Rebrand部門で「Graphite Pencil(銀賞)」を受賞しました。
※越後/Echigo is the former name of the country, referring to today's Niigata Prefecture.
※南魚沼/Area of Minamiuonuma City.