I was in charge of CI development of "L & B Yoshida Tax Corporation", a major general accounting firm that is deployed nationwide, based in Sanjo city, Niigata Prefecture. While utilizing IT, it is necessary not only for corporate taxation, tax accounting treatment of individual business owner, tax consultation, but also inheritance tax declaration, pre-living prevention before inheritance, substitution of accounting, foundation loans, start-up funds, financing, subsidies We deal with a wide range of businesses such as subsidies necessary for corporate management. It is an accounting firm that can also request finance consulting business that ordinary tax accountant office does not handle much. The symbol mark expresses to the solid the attitude which confronts the exact situation judgment and hot passion so that it can become your right arm with the motif of LEAD & BENEFIT which is the concept as a motif. In addition, in order to dispel the old and tough image (stereotype) as seen in the CI design of tax accountant corporation and accountancy office recently, we are looking for the future and landing on a design that considers broad business development.
新潟県三条市を拠点に全国的に展開されている大手総合型会計事務所「L&B ヨシダ税理法人」のCI開発を担当しました。ITを活用しながら、法人税務、個人事業主の税務会計処理、税務相談のみならず、相続税申告、相続前の生前対策や、経理の代行、創業融資、開業資金、資金調達、補助金・助成金といった、企業経営に必要な業務を幅広く取り扱っています。通常の税理士事務所があまり取り扱わない財務コンサルティング業務も依頼可能な会計事務所です。シンボルマークはコンセプトであるLEAD & BENEFITの頭文字をモチーフに、お客様の右腕となれるよう正確な状況判断と熱い情熱で向き合う姿勢をソリッドに表現しています。また、近年税理士法人や会計事務所のCIデザインに見られるような古く堅くありふれたイメージ(固定観念)を払拭するべく、未来を見据え、幅広い事業展開を意識したデザインに着地しています。