”Niigata Tanrei Niigata Sake no Jin" is one of the largest sake events in Japan, where about 90 sake breweries in Niigata Prefecture exhibit their products. Held in March every year, it is the largest event of its kind held in Niigata Prefecture, with over 100,000 people attending in just two days. The organizer is the Niigata Sake Brewers Association. It was decided to revamp the symbol mark and logotype that had been used for several years since the start of the event, and DESIGN DESIGN was in charge of art direction and design development. The symbol mark was designed to reflect the character of Japanese sake and the character of the event in Niigata. The word "sake" represents a cup, a dripping drop, Niigata Prefecture (shape), and the sparkle of sake. A VI manual was produced in conjunction with the design development, and it is used for everything from advertising to novelty goods, signs and displays.
新潟県内の酒蔵約90社が出展する日本最大級の日本酒イベント「新潟淡麗 にいがた酒の陣」。毎年3月に開催され、僅か2日間で10万人以上が参加する、新潟県内で開催されるイベントの中でも最も大きなイベント。主催者は新潟県酒造組合。イベント開始当時から数年使われていたシンボルマーク・ロゴタイプを刷新することになり、アートディレクション・デザイン開発をデザインデザインが担当。日本酒という日本の酒らしさ、新潟のイベントらしさをシンボルマークに込めています。「酒」の文字の中には杯、滴る雫、新潟県(形)、酒の煌きを表現。デザイン開発と合わせてVIマニュアルも制作し、広告物からノベルティグッズ、サイン・ディスプレイなどあらゆるものに使われています。